The Rest of the ND vs. UCLA trip

After that day on Thurs., the rest of the weekend could not compare obviously, Fri., a group of Us including ND Harvey and his wife, Debbie, went on a tour of the Hollywood and Beverly Hills, much more mundane compared to our other tour, with a cooler of beer and a couple bottles of vodka, you know that we were in for some fun, well, the tour was pretty bad, when you see hedges and they tell you that a George Clooney or someone of his stature's house was behind them and you couldn't see over the hedges, you might as well have been in Mt. Airy. We went to Hollywood and saw the stars on the ground, there were a lot of characters there for your picture taking pleasure, as long as you tipped them, of course, Matty E. got his picture taken with Dorothy and Toto and also Super Girl, when it came time for the tip, Matty opened the vault and gave the girl, $1.oo to split, after they complained, big spender gave them another dollar, what a guy! Sat., we all boarded the bus to head to the Rose Bowl and to see, so far, anyway, Notre Dame's only victory, it was great to see those Sumner brothers, Harvey and Matty called each other that AM to make sure they were wearing the same shirt, as you can see by the photo above, in the Rose Bowl parking lot, we had an 87 group portrait taken, put any caption under it, you wish! Sunday, was a day of relaxation and NFL football, a few guys including our hero, Racetrack Matty E. went to Santa Anita for the horses, of course, our hero was cashing them and not trashing them, Mon., we went with the Wenger Clan to Universal Studios, where Matty, who obviously, is very shy, as we all know, wore his tee shirt which read "This is not a beer belly but a fuel tank for my sex machine", even I could not make this up, being suave and debonair as he is, he picked up Marge Simpson from Homer, the photo is up there, as well, I know that this is brief and there is a lot more to this story, but that is the condensed version, I may add in the near future, stay tuned................................