AOH 87 Happenings

Monday, January 21, 2008

Feb.'s Brimmer

I am bacccccccccccccccccccccck, thanks to the efforts of our President, the writers strike has been settled, It would have been settled months ago, but I got Obie to be my shop steward, it took awhile to settle the strike. Obie does the same wonderful job negotiating for his fellow workers at Origlio’s, right Mo?
Jan. 20th, we had our annual Beef and Beer at Finnigan’s Wake, we raised over $4,000. Which will go towards needed repairs to our Home, there are a lot of thank you’s to go around, But special thanks go to the manager of Finnigan’s, Jim Masiak and his staff who, again out did themselves, also to Paul Moore and Paddy’s Well, who put on a great show, also, Obie, Peggy, “Door”Matt, Terry, Beth, Donna, John and Eileen, if anyone feels slighted, I apologize in advance, also, to our Members who really came out, sold tickets, etc., we had over 220 people there, it is good to see such a turnout and realize what we can do, if we all get together, awesome job, everyone! Also special thanks to Jimbo who put us over the top with the one ticket that he sold, he didn’t even buy it from himself but got it from Joe Kilian instead!
While working the door, our hero, Matty, sees an older gentleman come in the door and he yells out “Billy Gibbons”, well, it wasn’t Billy our hero then stated that all older gentlemen look alike, oh Matty, you’ve done it again. As some of you may know, Matty’s sister, Barb, was in the hospital briefly, I walk into the bar and overhear Matty telling his Dad, Obie, that “Barb was stable”, I have to admit that is the first time that I heard Barb and stable in the same sentence. We are going to have a beef and beer for the softball team, straight from Vegas, that is the diner down the shore not the gambling Mecca, but straight from the diner, making his comedy debut, will be Tom Healey, make sure that you get your tickets for this on, stay tuned, you can check the webpage for updates, Also, I am looking into a few trips, the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs is a definite, looking into the Reading Phillies as well, again, stay tuned.
Happy Valentine’s Day to all of you Sweethearts!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Jan. '08 - Tug's Talking Here

Happy New Year to Everyone!
2007 was a tough year for Division #87 with the loss of a few valuable members, most notably, Pete Hanlon and George Schrader, these losses will be felt by us for years, we as a group need to come together as one and make those 2 gentlemen in Heaven proud of us!
Jan. 20th is our Annual Beef and Beer at Finnigan's Wake with Paul Moore and Paddy's Well in concert, tickets are $25. in advance and $30. at the door, the monies raised from this benefit will help defray the costs of maintaining out Club, there are much needed repairs including the refrigeration unit in the walk in box, also, the insurance is due, some bills are past due, no one wants to have the cost of drinks raised, but we need money, so, if you can sell a few tickets or at least purchase one, I have tickets available and can be reached at 215 570 7385, also, I will be at the Jan. meeting, tickets in hand.
In a separate post on this site, info on a trip to Chicago for the Cubs vs. Phils, 8 of us are already on board with the trip including our Steward, that Froggy Carr member, himself, Tommy Wenger who is ready to take the Windy City by storm, if anyone is interested, again, let me know.
I am looking in a trip to see the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs, Reading Phillies, Trenton Thunder and hopefully, a trip to the Phillies, see me, again for any info. Also, if you have any ideas for trip, let me know, this pertains to everyone except Jerry Spoerl, who the last time, I did this, recommended a trip to Broadway to see a Broadway musical, not sure, Jerry, if this is a Musical type crowd, except Matty Edgar who was on Broadway in the Wizard of Oz as the Tin Man, or maybe it was on Broad Street at Temple Hospital, getting a heart, it was one of those places, I know that for a fact.
There is going to be a softball team, this year at AOH #87, a fun team who is being led by Obie, Tom Wenger and myself, more info to follow, including a beef and beer at the club to raise monies for the team, with a special guest appearance by that local comic, "Tommy Healey", who will be making his big room debut on stage, the entertainment will be hilarious, that is for sure.
That is it, for now, see you at the meeting and also on the 20th!