AOH 87 Happenings

Friday, January 23, 2009

February's Brimmer

February’s Brimmer

Well, another exciting month in and around Division #87, on Jan. 3rd, about 12 of us went to New York City with the group from 29th & Tasker Sts., the Notre Dame Harvey crew which was led by Matty E’s Step Dad, Harvey himself, we went to see the Irish play basketball against St. John’s, a group of us took a side trip to a few different Irish watering holes in and around NYC, Obie was astounded to find “O’Brien’s Pub”, neatly tucked away on 47th St., before he left, Obie picked up a golf shirt, some coasters and a toilet bowl cover, all monogrammed with the Obie crust, I mean crest, he also picked up a very nice golf shirt for his Dad for Father’s Day, oh sorry, was that a surprise? On the recommendation of a fellow Hibernian from Brooklyn who I reached out to on the Internet, our last stop was the “Pig N Whistle” which is another Irish Pub which is situated on Times Square, nothing but the best for our traveling group, a great stop if you are ever in the area

for a Broadway musical, yes, Tigger, it says “Broadway” not a “Broad St. musical”, which according to the Tig is the Mummers Parade.
A good time was had by all.

Speaking of trips, if anyone has any interest in going to a baseball game, this spring/summer, Lehigh Valley, Reading or Trenton, let me know, always looking for co-conspirators to enjoy an afternoon/evening out.

Our about 10th annual Beef and Beer to benefit the Division was held on Sunday, Jan. 18th at Finnigan’s Wake, unfortunately the Eagles picked that day to lose in the NFC Championship game, so, it cut into the crowd, but we still made about $3000., which has been given to the Home, so, that they can work their magic with different bills that may and will come about. There is a lot of thanks to go around and I am sure that I am going to forget someone, so, don’t feel offended, everyone in attendance deserves a thank you, especially P.J. and Barb Driscoll, “Door” Matt and his silent partner, Acme Bob, who decided that the tighter

you put the wrist band on, the better off you would be, my partner Obie who decided to taste test all of the Coors Light in the building, Dominick would have been so proud and a special thanks to Peggy who not only worked the whole time but also donated her coat to the Finnigan’s coat drive. The crew at Finnigan’s, led by Mgr. Jimmy are top shelf and always do a great job, Super Bowl has the Boss for halftime entertainment, we had “Paddy’s Well” play at halftime and after the sad ending of the game, Paul Moore and the group did their fabulous job of entertaining the despondent crowd except for the Cowgirls fans, Mo and Martin who relished in the down mood of the Birds fans, if you are looking for a fun place to go, check out and find out where they are playing, also, pick up their CD, “First Friday” where AOH Division #87 is mentioned in the liner notes of being a proud sponsor, next year, we will do it again, same time, same station, mark it down, Jan. 17, 2010, we do get a lot of participation from the Division, we could always use more bodies there, it benefits US!

“Falcon Mike” Fetters will be running our new website,, check it out for updates and also, you will find “Tug’s Talking Here” which will have a special place on the site, I am sure. If you are a Norff grad or just a fan of the sports program, check out Mike’s which has great stories and pictures from the various events in and around North Catholic. That’s All Folks

You Go Girl..........................................


A story with a happy ending! This nineteen-year-old ex-cheerleader (now an Air Force Security Forces Sniper) was watching a road that led to a NATO military base when she observed a man digging by the road. She engaged the target (i.e., she shot him). Turned out he was a bomb maker for the Taliban and he was burying an IED that was to be detonated when a US patrol walked by 30 minutes later. It would have certainly killed and wounded several soldiers.. The interesting fact of this story is the shot was measured at 725 yards. She shot him as he was bent over burying the bomb. The shot went through his butt and into the bomb which detonated; he was blown to pieces. The Air Force made a motivational poster of her: